23 pages of new contents in START’s Newsletter Issue #2!

The START newsletter is back, with plenty new information about our project and the issues we care about!

After our first issue that we published in November 2022, in the next 6 months many things happened and in Issue #2 we are reporting on some exciting news about our work on the minerals and the process to obtain from them good thermoelectric materials. But we are also giving you some more details on our preferred mineral tetrahedrite, and thermoelectricity; and we are presenting you Julie Hollis, one of the members of our Scientific Advisory Board, with an interview where she explains the activities of EuroGeoSurveys.

We have also the usual updates on other project activities, on project events and other dissemination topics, and two other consortium partners to present: after LNG and SINTEF in Issue #1, this time you will meet TEGnology and RGS Development!

Starty is also back, with three pages: he will give you some insight on the importance of the START approach for the EU policies. On a light note, of course!

In our "Documents" page (https://www.start-heproject.com/documents/) you will find this 23-pages effort, of course absolutely for free download! Enjoy the reading!

Remember: if you wish to receive info about the next issues of the newsletter directly in your mailbox as soon as they are published, you can subscribe via the “Contact” page (top right corner, in the menu bar, or here https://www.start-heproject.com/contact/ ) in this website.

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