About Bruno Vicenzi

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So far Bruno Vicenzi has created 33 blog entries.

Videos of the virtual course on “Mining Environmental Liabilities and Secondary Raw Materials” are available for everyone

By |2025-01-31T17:01:43+01:00January 31st, 2025|

Watch, or rewatch the sessions of the free virtual training webinars on “Mining Environmental Liabilities and Secondary Raw Materials”! In case you had not noticed, we have embedded also here on our Multimedia page all the video footage related to the couse held virtually by our partner ASGMi from 25th [...]

Our Clustering Workshop at the Raw Materials Week gathered a good audience!

By |2024-12-18T14:47:20+01:00December 18th, 2024|

Your Content Goes Here One week ago, about 50 interested participants took part, in the Hitchcock Auditorium of the Hotel Marivaux in Brussels, in our workshop "SUPPORTING THE CRITICAL RAW MATERIALS ACT: RESEARCH PROJECTS IN THE EUROPEAN UNION". As you may remember form our previous communications, this event [...]

Our Industrial Workshop in Copenhagen was a great day for Thermoelectrics in Europe!

By |2024-10-29T17:19:33+01:00October 29th, 2024|

Your Content Goes Here As you can guess, we clearly want to significantly increase the use of thermoelectrics, particularly in Europe. So, we organized an Industrial Workshop to create a more effective European value chain for these materials. We aimed to highlight thermoelectrics as a key tool for [...]

Rewatch our 5th free webinar!

By |2024-09-06T15:33:11+02:00September 6th, 2024|

It took us a lot of time due to some really weird IT issues, but we recovered most of the footage from our 5th free START webinar, held during our Annual Meeting in SINTEF's facilities in Oslo (Norway), on 7th June 2024, and now we have made it available for rewatching! The hybrid event [...]

Register for the Virtual Course “Mining Environmental Liabilities and Secondary Raw Materials”

By |2024-08-02T14:59:15+02:00August 2nd, 2024|

Virtual Course: Mining Environmental Liabilities and Secondary Raw Materials From September 25 to October 3, 2024 (Total duration: 10 hours) Our project partner ASGMI organises a virtual training course on "Mining Environmental Liabilities and [...]

Download RECOVER-REFORM-REUSE Issue #4! (May 2024)

By |2024-05-07T17:21:00+02:00May 7th, 2024|

RECOVER-REFORM-REUSE Issue 4 is available! You were missing the START newsletter, weren't you? Your biannual source of reference for thermoelectrics! As always, our "Documents" page (https://www.start-heproject.com/documents/) hosts the free-to-download pdf! Enjoy your read and pass the word to colleagues and friends! What is the content? This time, it [...]

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