Powder Metallurgy Review hosts an article on START

The well-known powder metallurgical magazine Powder Metallurgy Review is hosting an article about our project in their Spring 2023 issue (vol. 12, n.1).
The title is "The START project: Creating a sustainable supply chain for green energy harvesting products by Powder Metallurgy".
The article was written by our team, with contributions from F. Neves (LNEG), B. Vicenzi (EPMA), A. Bianchin (MBN Nanomaterialia), M. Rosinski (GeniCore), H. Yin (TEGnology).
The content includes an overview of START's motivation, approach, goals and expected impact, and then delves in more detail into the powder metallurgy side of the project: how to derive powders from the tetrahedrite containing minerals and pure elements (by Mechanochemical Synthesis), and how to consolidate them (by Pulse Plasma Compaction) into functional materials and devices with good thermoelectric properties. Some initial data and images coming from the ongoing tasks are shown.
The full issue is freely available for reading and downloading in pdf version on the Powder Metallurgy Review website. Our article is starting on page 89.
We thank Powder Metallurgy Review and Inovar Communications Ltd for the attention given to our project!