Come to the START Workshop in Brussels on 10th December!

If you work in the field of Raw Materials, you surely know about the Raw Materials Week, the yearly event organised directly by the EU services of DG Grow in Brussels, that gathers the Raw Materials community from all over Europe and beyond, and lines up several high-level speakers and topics in its plenary sessions. This year, the week will run from 9th to 13th December.
Our project decided to make the effort of organising a workshop in parallel with the Raw Materials Week. It is a consequence of START’s efforts in clustering with other EU projects dealing with RMs, and will be an afternoon session on 10th December. The event “Supporting the Critical Raw Materials Act: Research Projects in the European Union” is intended to serve as a platform for researchers, policymakers, and industry representatives to share project progress, identify common challenges, and explore opportunities for collaboration and partnership.
Eight projects wil be represented: START, GSEU, FutuRAM, CRM Geothermal, CIRAN, SUPREEMO, REESOURCE, REPTiS.
Read more on it in our freshly added website page here, and please register by November 25, 2024, End of Business Central Europe!